Dangerously Dark Yet Delightfully Delicious Chocolate Ice Cream
Bare Necessities
1 Vanilla Pod
1-2packets/150-300g Oreos
550ml Double Cream
50g Cocoa Powder
200g Granulated Sugar
250ml Whole Milk
170g Dark Chocolate
1pinch Salt
75g Mini Marshmallows

3. Take the saucepan off the heat, break up the chocolate, add it to the mixture and keep whisking.

5. In a sealed bag, crush up the oreos until they are in medium chunks.
6. Once the chocolate is completely melted, de-seed the vanilla pod and stir the seeds in along with the milk and crushed oreos.
7. Place the mixture in the fridge for about half an hour and then pop it in the ice-cream machine and follow the manufacturer's instructions.
8. Once the ice-cream is ready, serve it up, enjoy and TRY NOT TO EAT IT ALL IN ONE GO!
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