Much to my surprise, the British summer is still here, and with no sign of respite from the heat, I made another batch of ice cream! Normally, when you think of cherry flavoured anything, you think of something very sweet and fruity and maybe a bit sour, but I wanted this ice cream to be a bit more subtle and refreshing. This is why I added very little sugar and I also didn't cook the cherries prior to mixing them with the rest of the ingredients. Because of the acid in the cherries, the mixture does split a little bit, but I found that it didn't affect the taste or texture in any noticeable way. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the recipe and remember to stay hydrated!
Cherry Ice Cream
Bare Necessities
350g/3cups/12.5oz Frozen Cherries
250ml/8.5fl.oz Milk
250ml/8.5fl.oz Double Cream
50g/1.75oz Sugar
2tsp Vanilla Essence

1. Pour all of the ingredients into a saucepan and stir on a low heat until the sugar has dissolved and the cherries are soft. Feel free to squish a few to let out some of the flavour.
2. Set the mixture aside for 5-10 minutes to allow it to cool.
3. Pour the mixture into your ice cream machine and freeze according to your manufacturer's instructions.
4. Pour the ice cream into tupperware boxes and freeze for 2-3 hours or until ready to serve.
5. Serve up and enjoy!